All foods without exception boost immunity, as long as they are used to preserve us, develop us and especially to cope with diseases.
The goals of a good diet are: to eat, to move, to live and above all to resist germs and diseases .
Prof. Salim Djelouat – L’Électron Libre
Prof. in biomedical
Certified medical expert in medicine, health and well-being
What I suggest you read in this publication
I – Recommended food and foods
II – The dishes our suggestions
III – Foods rich in vitamins C, D and Zinc
IV – Vitamin supplementation
V – Other measures
VI – Conclusion in the form of a recommendation
Today we are faced with a virus « which remains dangerous ».
The peculiarity of this virus is its transmission, which makes it different from other viruses.
This transmission makes us doubt, a human manipulation and especially a human-to-human mutation.
Human-to-human mutation remains dangerous, because this virus can mutate as many times as it would be possible for it to do.
The problem is not there (admittedly it is essential) .
The problem today is how to fight this virus as long as there is no targeted treatment and no vaccines in sight.
Its only support is food.
Why food ?
In order to boost the human body and strengthen the immune system.
Food adapted to the person’s temperament.
Each person must adapt their diet.
Not a collective feeding scheme, but an individualized feeding scheme.
Do not repeat the error that was made in the medical management of CoViD-19 – Collective and not individual medical treatment.
Hippocrates had said it well:
« It is recommended to eat a balanced diet, that is to say foods corresponding to his temperament » .
By temperament, Hippocrates aims at the physiological constitution of the individual (his specificity, his particularity).
So, temperament represents the basic constant of the individual (the innate to put it simply).
I would also like to quote the message (attributed to Louis Pasteur), “The microbe is nothing, the land is everything”.
By terrain we must understand » the body « .
So by a diet corresponding to our temperament, we will cultivate our land.
Cultivate it, only by bringing in good things.
And another message, still attributed to Hippocrates, who says and I quote:
« Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be in your food » .
The original message says:
» May your food be your medicine and may your medicine be in your food « .
As a historical reminder.
But that’s not our goal.
Hippocrates could not say « medicine » because the term medicine was not coined until 1314.
Knowing is good, applying is better
Now that we know, we will apply
Dietetics as a science of food is based only on the food balance: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and without forgetting a sufficient addition of vitamins and minerals.
What remains little, knowing that these constituents are renewed every day, every hour and that the lack of these substances will be drawn from the food.
If this food is not sufficient, this lack will be drawn from the reserves of the human body.
To this must be added all the energy that will be expended for their operation.
Hence we will have a lack of nutrients that will affect our immunity.
In my article, I took a look back at our grandparents and how they prepared for winter.
In their diet, they prefer a diet rich in protein and lipids.
The givers of lessons, will rebel by saying watch out for cholesterol, triglycerides, cardiovascular patients…, and I do not know what else.
This is all false and speculation.
They will quote me the good and the bad cholesterol.
They will tell me about LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).
But they forget to talk about ⇒⇒
– VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein)
– IDL (Intermediate Density Lipoprotein)
– Lp (a) (Lipoprotein (a)
– Chylomicrons
Why ?
Because these people don’t know them? Or have not heard or spoken little.
So let’s stop philosophizing.
Our parents and grandparents prepared for winter, with all its “winter” illnesses, and they spent harsh winters without really being sick or experiencing epidemics.
They never knew cardiovascular disease and other pathologies and lived very long, long enough.
They were strong and vigorous.
Our message to us:
« Healthy Eating, Preventing Infection, Must Start Early « .
This food will allow us to resist colds (therefore bring back heat), to fight against microbes and more particularly viruses (which are very present during this season) and to make us avoid “seasonal” stress.
Because stress is known to be a factor influencing diseases.
Ce que je donne comme alimentation et aliments reste non exhaustif.
Que d’autres personnes enrichissent le côté diététique et nutrition.
Toutes et tous, nous trouverons notre compte.
As a priority, this diet will be recommended in anticipation of the winter season,
but will also be consumed as a maintenance diet during the pandemic.
I – Food and recommended foods
This diet should be rich in lipids, proteins and micronutrients to boost immunity.
Lipoproteins (are essential elements in immunity) and therefore play a role against viruses and more particularly influenza viruses.
Lipoproteins will capture viruses, store them inside cells and destroy them.
Lipoproteins also help macrophages to recognize molecules characteristic of certain microorganisms and therefore to pick them up and phagocyte them.
The best time to start the cure will be from the fall.
What I recommend as a food rich in lipids, proteins:
1 – Vegetable oils
Olive oil is the queen of oils
1.1 – Olive oil
Very rich in Omega-3-6 and 9
Always add it at the end of cooking, in order to benefit from all its virtues.
2 – Fats of animal origin
Mainly for their contribution in vitamins A and D and lipoproteins.
2.1 – Margarines (all)
2.2 – Mayonnaise (do not deprive yourself of it)
2.3 – Butter
Advice : in the morning for breakfast, 2 buttered toast to which honey and coffee with milk are added.
An orange juice or ½ tablet of vitamin C, effervescent.
3 – Milk and derivatives
3.1 – Cheeses (especially)
3.2 – Yoghurt …
4 – Les fruits secs ou fruits protéagineux
Donnés par priorités de consommation
4.1 – Les cacahuètes et le beurre de cacahuètes
Le beurre de cacahuètes ne devra nous effrayé, bien au contraire, car il renferme la plupart des acides gras mono-insaturés.
En plus les cacahuètes sont riches en vitamine E, qui joue un rôle dans le système immunitaire.
4.2 – Nuts, Hazelnuts, Almonds and others
To consume as is or to integrate into dishes: salads, as breakfast cereals.
These dried fruits contain Omega 3 and vitamin E, which plays a role in the immune system.
In addition they are rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and polyphenols.
Les fruits protéagineux renferment les bonnes graisses.
5 – Fish
More particularly oily fish.
5.1 – Sardines in oil (preferably prepared with olive oil).
Sardines are a significant source of protein, by itself it contains the nine essential amino acids for the body.
It also contains Omega 3 and Selenium.
The consumption of sardines is recommended as a food for prevention and protection against microbial infections (bacteria, viruses).
The other fatty fish that you can eat (depending on your financial means) are: salmon, tuna, anchovies, etc., mackerel, herring, etc.
6 – Meats
Whether white or red, they remain interesting during the winter season.
Mutton and turkey meats are my favorites.
I cannot say to be consumed in moderation, considering their price, so no comment.
6.1 – Dried meat
Doit accompagner certains plats typiquement hivernaux
6.2 – La viande macérée dans de l’huile d’olive ou de la graisse animale
Cuite à la vapeur et puis elle sera mise dans des jarres et recouverte soit d’huile d’olive, soit de graisse animale.
Cette viande est souvent préparée à partir du mois d’octobre et gardée en macération au moins pendant 2 à 3 mois, avant d’être consommée.
7 – Eggs
The best are chicken eggs.
Very rich in good fats.
To consume in all forms:
– As a plain omelet
– Scrambled with butter
– Raw or cooked (hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise)
8 – Garlic
One of the best natural antiseptics and antibiotics.
A significant consumption of garlic, reduces the symptoms of the flu.
It helps boost immunity, thanks to allicin.
Consume it in all its forms (crushed, chewed, chopped, sliced, whole …), I prefer it with olive oil.
A good tomato salad seasoned with oil and garlic is a good protection against germs and viruses.
9 – Hot pepper (harissa)
Very rich in vitamin C.
Pepper is good anti-inflammatory and a very good antiseptic.
The consomme as it is or in preparation called « harissa ».
Harissa bought in the trade, rework it by adding garlic, spices and aromatic herbs.
It can be used as a seasoning for many dishes, in red sauce.
10 – Les fruits et légumes verts (de préférence de saison)
Très riches en fibres (donc nécessaire à l’équilibrer le transit).
Riches en Vitamines et oligoéléments – vitamines C, E, Sélénium, Zinc, Cuivre…, Calcium, Phosphore….
Les fruits et les légumes agissent au niveau du métabolisme énergétique (c’est ce qui nous manque dans la saison hivernale).
11 – Les épices
Elles aident à lutter contre les infections et sont un bon moyen pour booster l’immunité.
11.1 – Le gingembre
En tisane, le soir en allant se coucher.
La meilleure épice pour se réchauffer.
On peut aussi le saupoudrer sur les aliments
11.2 – Le thym
À conseiller en prévision d’un rhume, d’une grippe.
Dans la toux, le thym reste efficace.
Le thym aide aussi à renforcer le système immunitaire.
Une à deux tasses par jour
Le thym pris en quantité excessive, peut fait augmenter la tension artérielle.
11.3 – Le romarin
Il reste un anti-infectieux pulmonaire assez intéressant.
Anti fatigue
Il aide comme le thym à renforcer le système immunitaire.
Be careful, it acts on blood circulation, so take precautions in its use (especially in pregnant women).
11.4 – Cinnamon
Proven efficacy against microbes (bacteria and viruses).
It therefore remains a good remedy against the ailments of winter.
It can be combined for better efficiency with cloves or harissa.
II – The dishes our suggestions
1 – The 5 pm snack
It remains essential during the winter period.
It will be made up of:
– Dairy products
– Tea
– Bread (buttered and jam or butter)
– Rusks
– Dry cookies
– Fruit
The snack may be identical to breakfast or vice versa
2 – Couscous
One of the best dishes to face winter.
Once a week and mostly full of vegetables and seasoned with olive oil.
Can be served with onion (called the poor man’s meat), olives and dried meats.
A delight.
To be consumed at lunch and dinner.
3 – Soups, soup, Chorba fric…
Sprinkle with spices and aromatic herbs
The best are still the best to warm up well.
You can add dried vegetables to them.
The evening soup should be quite substantial.
4 – Chickpea dish
The « morning » treat for men and even women.
Do not skimp on adding olive oil, hot pepper (harissa), herbs (mixture) and spices.
This dish replaces breakfast (in some people).
It can also be eaten as a lunch.
5 – Plates of white beans and other dried vegetables
To consume with a good red sauce and well spiced.
Add garlic, olive oil, onion and sprinkle it with cinnamon or ginger and aromatic plants.
You can always sprinkle the different dishes (cities and others) with spices.
III – Foods rich in vitamins C, D and Zinc
1 – The main foods rich in vitamins D are:
Sardines in oil and other fatty fish – Canned tuna – Anchovies – Dark chocolate – Milk (and derivatives) – Eggs – Mushrooms –
2 – The main foods rich in vitamins C are:
Raw or cooked red pepper – Green pepper, raw or cooked (but preferably raw) – Raw green peas – Cooked cauliflower – Watercress – Spinach – Parsley (fresh).
Citrus fruits in whole fruit or in juice – strawberries – Apricot nectar
Cereals (at breakfast).
3 – The main foods rich in zinc are:
Cooked calf liver – braised beef – rye and wheat bread – salt-free rusk – unsweetened cocoa – minced steak, green vegetables, sesame seeds, lentils, etc.
IV – Vitamin supplementation
1 – Vitamin C
Remains a preventive vitamin against winter ailments.
It plays a role in the mobility of white blood cells.
And plays a great role in the production of cytokines.
Cytokines are substances produced by immune cells to destroy microbes (bacteria and viruses).
It would be advisable to take the juices rich in vitamins C.
You can also take 1 vitamin C tablet, effervescent after the midday meal.
Good to know
It is a vitamin that remains important in summer, because it is destroyed by heat.
Donc une supplémentation en été est conseillée.
2 – Vitamin D
Prescribed especially for populations poor in sunshine, but is also recommended as a vitamin supplement.
Vitamin D would seem to be effective against viral infections.
It activates and develops
T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes, phagocytes, microbes (bacteria and viruses).
Its role is unknown and that this vitamin is able to regulate inflammatory and immune responses (when the latter are no longer under the control of the immune response).
3 – Zinc
Plays a super important role in the process of immunity.
It helps immune cells to produce antimicrobial substances.
It boosts us against microbial infections (bacteria and viruses) by protecting cell membranes.
This food is a guarantee of fight against viruses and more particularly influenza viruses.
V – Other measures
1 – Candy
Carry peppermint sweets, or vitamin sweets, because it would be preferable to have a wet mouth, which in the case of the penetration of the virus, allow the virus to be swallowed directly at the level of the stomach or it will be destroyed by gastric acidity.
A dry mouth, a dry nose are favorable to the penetration of the virus in the lungs.
2 – L’eau
Il reste aussi intéressant de prendre au courant de la journée et à l’extérieur de maison des gorgées d’eau.
3 – Walking (it burns calories)
One of 20 to 30 minutes is recommended.
VI – Conclusion in the form of a recommendation
Eat a bit of everything and a bit of everything
To better know and understand
the CoViD-19 pandemic
CoViD-19 vs – 1er – 2ème et 3ème Vagues – Point de vue
CoViD-19- Comment la stopper ou au mieux ralentir sa propagation
CoViD-19 – vs Kawasaki disease
CoViD-19 vs “past” pandemics and their impacts on the world
CoViD – 19 vs people at risk
CoViD – 19 – The main is the essential
Pr. Salim Djelouat – L’Électron Libre
Pr. en biomédical
Expert médicale certifié en médecine, santé et bien-être
Auteur scientifique, conférencier
Webmaster et blogueur
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