Neither Big Data, nor Big Pharma, nor WHO,
nor foundations (Bill Gates et Cie), nor cunning politicians,
will be able to stop me from publishing and telling the truth.
My sites are not dependent on any advertising.
Free electron I am, free electron I will remain free
Freedom and personality cannot be combined,
you have to fight for them.
We are not against vaccines, nor against vaccinations, because we all know the benefits on the immune process.
No one will be able to demonstrate it to us, we know it, we have studied it and we have applied it for a very long time.
We are against profiteers, rulers (schemers and accomplices) and certain organizations, in order to enrich big pharma.
This article is based on real facts reported by senior officials in certain countries.
It is worth what it is worth, but I ask those « responsible who read it » to think carefully about what is written and proposed.
I do not belong to any organization, neither private nor state.
And, I don’t depend on anyone, my only goal is to find solutions in order to put an end to this pandemic which currently only benefits big pharma.
Prof. Salim Djelouat
Prof. in medical and biomedical analyzes
Certified medical expert in medicine, health and well-being – Ooreka – Paris
What I suggest you read in this publication
I – The main vaccines authorized and placed on the market
II – The right choices for a vaccine
III – Can we speak of a failure of the anti-CoViD-19 vaccination?
IV – What about after this vaccination?
V – What about the results or the effectiveness of vaccines in these two countries today?
VI – About these virus mutations or variants?
VII – The new name for variants?
VIII – Clarifications – Very important
IX – What solutions to end or at best slow down the spread of CoViD-19?
X – Why did I mention a probable similarity to the measles virus?
XI – Overview of the adverse effects observed in France
XII – Conclusion
XIII – Some links to better understand, in order to take better action
I – The main vaccines authorized and marketed
BioNTech and Pfizer, authorized since December 21, 2020 ( Nucleic acid-based vaccines (mRNA)
- Moderna, since January 6, 2021 (Nucleic acid vaccines (mRNA)
- AstraZeneca, since January 29, 2021 (Viral vector vaccines)
- Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, since March 11, 2021 (Viral vector vaccines)
Other vaccines are currently at the study stage for future marketing:
- « CoronaVac« , (Vero Cell) Inactivated, developed by Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd, May 4, 2021 (Chinese) ,(Viral vector vaccines)
- Sinopharm (Chinese)
- CureVac AG , February 12, 2021 (German) , (Nucleic Acid Vaccines (mRNA)
- Sputnik V , March 4, 2021 (Russian) (Viral vector vaccines)
- Sanofi-GSK’s serum , (French) (Protein-based vaccines)
These vaccines are still awaiting marketing authorization in Europe.
It seems that there are still 50 other types of vaccines in the development stage, having passed phases I and II.
Initially, all the laboratories talked about two doses, today we are talking about 3 doses (announcements made by BioNTech and Pfizer), can we talk about efficiency or an inflow of money)?
II – The right choices for a vaccine
In my article published on August 12, 2021 at 1:34 a.m. on my site:
And bearing the title : CoViD-19 – The right choices for a vaccine :
I gave all the steps on the strategies for lead to a vaccine that can put an end to this pandemic.
I drew attention to the risks of vaccination, with a DIY vaccine.
The vaccine has to go through 3 phases, which are essential to meet the requirement of a vaccine.
And must meet 9 main requirements.
Do vaccines manufactured today meet these phases and requirements, the answer is no, given the speed of their time to market.
No, it remains true that the situation requires the placing on the market of a vaccine, but that this vaccine responds to the immunological principle, of which I recall the essential: « the vaccine prepares the body to attack a disease X, by using its own means of defense, which are represented by the immune system.
It allows us to build our own immunity.
For this, the vaccine must be composed of the right ingredients, to trigger a natural immune response.
A good vaccine depends on the vaccine strategy that will be chosen, which means which part of the virus will be used (inactivated, attenuated virus or parts of the genetic code) to trigger the immune response. «
III – Can we speak of a failure of the anti-CoViD-19 vaccination?
… That the vaccinated person respects physical distancing, the wearing of a mask, etc., like an unvaccinated person?
The answer that I am going to give you will be to illustrate two examples, of two countries which are ahead of the vaccine plan in the world.
These countries are: Israel and the United Kingdom
– Israel
Israel began from December 6, 2020 to administer the e vaccine Comirnaty (BNT162b2) Pfizer-Biontech to all its nationals aged 16 and over, representing 71% of the population.
By the start of April 2021, 61% of Israelis had received at least one dose of the vaccine, making the country the one where the largest proportion of the population was vaccinated in the world.
– United Kingdom
On March 18, 2021, 50% of the population had received a first dose of vaccine.
The vaccine used is that of AstraZeneca from the University of Oxford – Viral vector vaccine -, after that of Pfizer / BioNTech – (Nucleic acid-based vaccines (mRNA).
This means that the United Kingdom has started with the vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech – (Nucleic Acid Vaccines (mRNA), then continued its vaccine plan with the AstraZeneca vaccine from the University of Oxford (very important to know, continue what s ‘happened later).
Another fact which deserves our attention has been reported:
As long as the vaccination rate is high, as long as the variant rate is high.
This observation deserves a very serious study, in order to determine what type of vaccine it is (the vaccine which can be the cause of these variants).
IV – What about after this vaccination?
– Israel
To date, 4 0 % of the population « Israeli » was vaccinated recontamination with SARS-CoV-2.
This rate is reported by CNews, citing the former Israeli director general of health.
So it is not just anyone who gives this information.
Almost 60% of Israel’s population is vaccinated.
– United Kingdom
There is an alarming progression of CoViD (40 to 60% recontamination in vaccinated people), while the country is the most advanced in Europe in terms of vaccination.
Another fact reported on the 117 people who have died since February after being infected with the Delta variant, 50 had been vaccinated with two doses and 20 had received a first injection, according to a report * (PDF) from the UK health agency , Public Heath England.
50% of the UK population is vaccinated.
– Another example that I am going to give you is the example of Chile which remains striking:
Despite record vaccination coverage (47% of the population fully vaccinated), the country is forced to re-define itself.
No comment on the vaccination campaigns and the vaccines used.
V – What about the results or the effectiveness of vaccines in these two countries today?
If vaccines today enrich laboratories much more than the objectives of their creation, it remains certain that the number of deaths has fallen compared to the start of the pandemic.
The reason (s) are multiple, I cite a few reasons:
- We are in the phase of collective immunity that does not say its name
- Good patient care in care units
- Treatments are now prescribed to prevent certain complications (and even self-medication has entered)
- The layout of the tests allows us to act quickly
- Physical distancing
- Vaccines to avoid complications for people who are immunocompromised or suffering from chronic diseases…, even if their effectiveness has yet to be demonstrated.
What to deduce?
Despite a panoply of vaccines on the market whose goal is to slow the spread of the virus, we notice that it is not.
Quite the contrary, no immunity, no slowing down and quite the contrary, we see the emergence of new variants (mutation).
VI – About these virus mutations or variants?
Any doctor, bacteriologist, virologist is aware that viruses can mutate.
In one of my articles: Food as the only weapon against CoViD-19 – – dated July 9, 2020 published at 6:47 p.m. , on my site: ,
I said and I quote: – Interhuman mutation remains dangerous, because this virus can mutate as many times as it would be possible for it to do … –
At that date, we were not yet talking about variants, or about a new vaccine research approach.
By this article, I have already warned the scientific community and decision-makers that there will be mutations of this virus, but this message is ignored.
Too bad, when the rulers and some people who think they are scientists and they alone possess knowledge, this is where it leads us, to do DIY.
VII – The new name for variants?
To date, there are around 20 variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus around the world.
The names of these variants are based on the Greek alphabet ( Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda ).
Five variants are classified as variants of concern, because they modify the S – Spike protein:
– The English variant called “ Alpha ” (September 2020)
– The South African variant becomes “ Beta ” (October 2020)
– The Brazilian variant is called “ Gamma ” (January 2021)
– Two names for the Indian variant , “ Delta « And » Kappa « (October 2020)
At this rate of the appearance of variants, will eventually exhaust all the letters of the Greek alphabet (already 11 Greek letters have been used.
VIII – Clarifications – Very important
At that time, of the publication of this article, I thought that the virus will mutate by human-to-human contamination (it passes from person to person and this passage may mutate it).
The same logic as bacterial resistance (an uncontrolled use of antibiotics will make a bacterium resist, which will be transmitted to another person who has never been contaminated by this bacterium and who has never received antibiotics).
The same thing is happening now with its different mutations in the virus, which are called “variants”.
These mutations of SARS-CoV-2, mutate according to their passage from a vaccinated person to another person not vaccinated or having been vaccinated by another type of vaccine (personal reflection).
2 vaccine approaches are used and as a reminder:
– Vaccines based on nucleic acids (mRNA)
– Viral vector vaccines
These two vaccine approaches may be responsible for these mutations, but I lean more towards nucleic acid (mRNA) -based vaccines.
My theory on the appearance of mutants or variants is the simultaneous use by the use of different vaccines on the same population or on the same number of people (Vaccines based on nucleic acids (mRNA) and Vaccines with viral vector).
My theory holds up.
Why does my theory hold up well?
The first variant to appear is the English variant.
It is known that the United Kingdom, started by using the nucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech and subsequently changed its vaccination campaign to using a viral vector vaccine from AstraZeneca from the university. from Oxford.
This change in vaccine strategy can only be the cause of the appearance of variants.
The virus will pass from person to person by changing its genetic code.
Regarding the other variants (appeared in others), without being a genius, that these countries use different vaccine preparations and especially vaccines developed by different laboratories (even countries).
Some researchers believe that variants start in immunocompromised people, which in my opinion is completely wrong.
In these people, SARS-CoV-2 is often fatal.
To fight against the appearance of new variants, have to use in the same population or in the same person, the same vaccine (I speak of dose).
The variants are due to phenotypic changes compared to the reference virus (SARS-CoV-2).
These mutations can influence the specific characteristics of the virus and:
– Its pathogenic power (its virulence)
– Its infectivity (its ability to infect human cells)
– Its transmissibility (its contagiousness between individuals)
– Its antigenicity (its ability to induce the production of antibodies and / or a guaranteed cellular immune response by T lymphocytes).
IX – What solutions to end or at best slow down the spread of CoViD-19?
The failure is there is noticeable, even if currently the rate remains above average.
The only solution is I wrote it in another of my articles: CoViD – 19 – The main is the essential – – dated 03/03/2020 at 6.30 pm on my site: » « , that only the anti-measles vaccine can stop the spread of the virus and put an end to this pandemic, from which only the rich benefit and more especially the big pharma, big data and certain government officials (whose departure they are preparing to subsequently have key positions in these laboratories).
x – Why did I mention a probable similarity of the measles virus?
The proof, the proof is that newly or formerly vaccinated children escape contamination (or to get down to earth with the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2).
The reality is there whether we like it or not.
– Whether big pharma accepts it or not
– Whether the WHO, a big pharma accomplice, makes its case or not.
Children, adolescents and young people
are currently protected against SARS-CoV-2, therefore CoViD.
Adults who have lost (over the years) immunity to measles, through the multiplication of memory cells, are not covered and therefore very sensitive to possible contamination.
It remains true that the measles virus and the CoViD virus are two viruses belonging to two different families.
– Both are RNA viruses
– Same pathophysiology
Penetration through the nose, from where it stays 48 hours to go to the lungs.
The measles virus infects immune cells in the lungs, which will allow it to spread throughout the body.
When leaving the host, it will use another receptor, nectin-4, present in the trachea, which will facilitate contagion through the airways.
Study carried out by Inserm unit 891 (Marseille cancer research center).
SARS-CoV-, follows this same process (physiopathological), therefore an anti-measles vaccination, remains the key.
Solution –
For the adult population, give us a reminder with the anti-measles vaccine or why not a vaccination.
I am addressing this solution to the honest rulers of countries, to the WHO, so that it saves face.
The big pharma will always come out enriched, because it will produce billions of doses of anti-measles vaccine and will continue to produce its damn anti-CoViD vaccine.
Reflection –
With the measles vaccine, we will all become healthy carriers of SARS-CoV-2 (same as the child).
All good ideas are to be considered and followed, who knows.
XI – Overview of the adverse effects observed in France
What are the most common side effects of vaccines (French study)?
Study made on May 27, currently new effects have appeared and there is even talk of Guillain and Barré syndrome for the astraZeneca vaccine.
No study on the side effects of vaccines has been done in Algeria (motus and sewn mouth).
As of May 27, 41,173 cases of adverse effects have been analyzed by the regional pharmacovigilance centers (CRPV) out of more than 34,965,000 injections carried out since the start of the vaccination campaign in France on December 27, 2020, reports the Agency. National Medicines Safety Authority (ANSM).
For the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine 22,233
cases of adverse effects were analyzed out of more than 26,698,000 injections performed as of May 27.
« The majority of adverse effects are expected and not serious, » notes the ANSM.
The most common effects are a reaction at the injection site (pain, swelling), but also fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, chills, joint pain or fever, can we also read on the ANSM website.
In addition, 30 cases of acute pancreatitis have been identified since the start of the vaccination, according to the pharmacovigilance report provided by the CRPVs.
These events constitute a “potential signal”, specifies the report, and will be shared at European level.
In addition, 20 severe cases of myocarditis were also identified.
“Whatever the mechanism, and in view of all the information available to date, a role of the vaccine cannot be ruled out”, concludes the report.
For Moderna’s vaccine,
3,010 cases of side effects were analyzed out of more than 3,160,000 injections performed on May 27.
In 78% of cases, these were non-serious local reactions, adds the ANSM.
For the AstraZeneca vaccine,
16,877 cases of adverse effects were analyzed out of more than 4,874,000 injections performed on May 27.
« The vast majority of these cases concern flu-like syndromes, often of high intensity (high fever, body aches, headaches) », writes the ANSM.
A reaction at the injection site (tenderness, pain, heat, itching, bruising) is also common, adds the agency.
In addition, 47 cases of “atypical localization” thrombosis have been observed by CRPVs since the start of vaccination, 12 of which have resulted in death.
For the Janssen vaccine (Johnson & Johnson)
Only 53 cases of adverse effects have been analyzed as of May 27.
This vaccine has only been used in France since April 24 and only 232,000 injections had been administered as of May 27.
The majority of side effects are not serious, such as discomfort for example, writes the ANSM.
« As part of the European assessment on cases of thrombosis, information was sent to health professionals on the link between the vaccine and the occurrence of thrombosis in association with thrombocytopenia, » the agency added in a further report. previous report.
XII – Conclusion
No vaccination with measles vaccine,
no protection against CoViD-19
XIII – Some links to better understand, in order to act better
New links proving ineffective vaccination
Covid-19: what does the epidemic rebound look like in Europe?
Some readings to better manage this epidemic (pandemic)
For the managers of this health crisis
CoViD-19- How to stop it or at best slow down its propagation – Our solutions
CoViD-19- How to stop it or at best slow its spread – Our solutions .html
CoViD-19 and the “stop and go” strategy
CoViD-19 Vs “Contact tracing” to reduce its transmission – My proposals
CoViD-19 – The right choices for a vaccine
SARS-CoV 2 – CoViD-19 – The right vaccine choices
For everyone
Food as the only weapon against CoViD-19
CoViD-19 and people at risk
CoViD – 19 – The main is the essential
Psychosocial stress or emotional distress
CoViD-19 and wearing a mask
For those who are thirsty to read and know
CoViD – 19 and the “G” groups
CoViD – 19 vs Religions
CoViD-19 and past pandemics, back to hell
The “tiger” mosquito – Our new pandemic plague
« Sleeping » or « latent » viruses!
CoViD-19 vs Kawasaki disease
CoViD-19 and its different waves – Point de vu
CoViD-19 and the different waves – Point of view
Prof. Salim Djelouat
Prof. in medical and biomedical analyzes
Certified medical expert in medicine, health and well-being – Ooreka – Paris
Scientific author, lecturer
Webmaster and blogger
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